Trends in the Online Dating Community

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The dating rituals of yesteryear have all but disappeared as a new style and attitude of the single socializer has evolved into a mode more suitable for this day and age. Though some things have changed rather drastically, some things have not. Everyone wants a chance to meet that possible significant other or at least date an appropriate someone a few times.

online dating trends


One of the most obvious differences between then and now is attitude. Whereas women once yearned in silence, waiting for the man of their dreams to appear or reappear, today’s woman isn’t nearly as afraid to approach a man and even initiate the contact. Nor is she in a great hurry. As men have done since the beginning of time, women realize there are, indeed, many fish in the sea and are more inclined to test the waters. Society no longer dictates obvious roles when it comes to dating.


Technology has certainly played a major role in the dating process. Nowadays, researchers say, students and young adults as a whole are more focused on academic studies and careers and have less time to pursue the social scene than they did in the past. No matter what age one is today, most have joined the lifestyle of the internet. It’s not surprising then that online dating sprang to life as a successful way for people to reach out to the opposite gender from the web. Distance barriers and time restraints are now obliterated at the touch of a button.

The internet offers more than an opportunity to meet someone new, it also affords the opportunity to check the background of a possible love interest by purchasing background security checks and even specific medical and financial disclosures.

Online Dating Services

Voice and video offered by some online dating services offer users a virtual dating experience from the comfort and security of home before meeting in person. The “what you see (and hear) is what you get” connotation provides an added security for users. This is the turn the social markets are taking. In addition, security is a being increased by some sites to protect users from spammers. These amenities, however, don’t come free.

Niche dating sites are on the rise, catering to people of specific ethnic backgrounds, alumni, college groups, etc.

Social Networks

Along the same lines, social networks such as Facebook and MySpace have become nearly as much a place to meet potential dates as a means of staying in touch with family and friends. They are for the most part user-friendly, free, and make meeting new people easy. Members can tell a lot about other members by their pages.

Blogging Sites

Blogging has added yet another tier to the online dating scenario. Weblogs are online journals where one can maintain an ongoing commentary about whatever interests them. While web dating sites often restrict the creativity on the user’s home page, bloggers are free to “soar with the eagles” and can post content immediately while it’s still fresh in their minds. This provides a much clearer picture of an individual then a planned, well-thought out, one-time bio.

All in all, online dating offers a diverse way to represent one’s self and opens new doors to exciting possibilities through various venues. Mr. and Miss Right are out there somewhere. It could be they’re a whole lot closer than you think.


About the Author:

Brad initially struggled with online dating but over time became quite successful using it. He met his wife using online dating and has been giving advice and helping people improve their results since 2007. He has written a Free Online Dating Guide to help others find success with online dating. You can learn more about his personal experience using online dating and running this website here.