How To Dress To Attract Men (At a Bar)

Published on November 20, 2009

Recently in the Telegraph there was an article that discussed how women should dress at the bar to meet the most men. They’re findings suggest that a woman should reveal 40% of her skin to meet the most men. Revealing too little leads to far less contact from men (up to 40% less). However, revealing much more than this leads also leads to less contact, although the article doesn’t reveal by how much.

A couple of thoughts on this. First, none of this is all that shocking. If any part might be surprising to some people it would be that women revealing too much leads to less success. Personally, I don’t find it all that surprising. We’ve all seen that woman who’s taken it way too far and when they do they’re not so much attractive as they are a spectacle. Second, it’s all based on meeting men at a bar…which isn’t exactly where you’ll find the best and brightest of the single men. Nothing against men at bars, though! I’m just saying that if you’re going to concentrate on meeting men at the bar, you generally know what you’re getting into. And if you don’t, you learn quickly. I mention this because I think a woman dramatically changing how she dresses just so she can meet men at a bar is probably not the best way to find a good relationship. Then again, if you’re not interested in the relationship part, determining what constitutes being 40% undressed will go a long way.

I do wonder how much this translates to online dating. Looking back, I don’t remember contacting many women who dressed provocatively. For me, I always felt it lacked a little bit of class. I also had the general thought that these women would be bombarded with contacts so grabbing her attention in the crowd of voices might be difficult…and I hated feeling like I was wasting my time. Regardless of my experience, were a female friend to ask me if she should dress more sexy in her online dating profile to attract men, I would say no. Obviously it’s important to be yourself and if dressing sexy is who you are, that’s fine. However, I don’t think it should be put on just to improve how often you’re contacted by 10 or so percent. Also, exactly what type of man will make up those extra contacts?

Personally, as a skinny guy, I always found the more I wore the better I did…a few extra layers went a long way! I’m glad I never had to bare any extra of my pasty white skin than was absolutely necessary.

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Author: Brad

Brad initially struggled with online dating but over time became quite successful using it. He met his wife using online dating and has been giving advice and helping people improve their results since 2007. He has written a Free Online Dating Guide to help others find success with online dating. You can learn more about his personal experience using online dating and running this website here.

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