New Year Resolutions Bring Dating Success

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Online dating networks are bustling with activity as peak season is in full effect until Valentine’s Day. To understand more about peak season, such as its duration, causes, and the benefits it creates for singles, then please read my last article.

Peak season happens in tandem with the beginning of the new year, at which point it is traditional to take time for self-reflection and to implement new habits that will serve our well-being. The changes we undertake to make ourselves into healthier and happier people naturally serve our desires for love and partnership. By stepping closer to better versions of ourselves, we begin to attract singles of similar high qualities. This attitude of taking responsibility for self-growth supports the formation of a healthy and mutually beneficial relationship.

For the sake of this article, I will be speaking specifically to self-improvement as it pertains to qualities of being (generosity, loving-kindness, effort, determination, kindness, honesty, and so on). Online dating offers the perfect opportunity to put these goals into action. For instance, every way we engage with someone through messages can be done through the lens of kindness – even rejection. The way we compose our profiles can be done with clear honesty around what it is we are looking to gain through online dating. The results of these commitments include a greater sense of personal well-being, supporting the happiness of others, and welcoming into our lives exactly what we seek to behold. If we are not clear and transparent in our profiles as to why we are using online dating, then we will likely spend a lot of time sifting through messages from incompatible matches and miss out from connecting with the right person. Naturally, resolutions that exist on the mundane level, such as to lose weight, go on more dates, or try new activities will have their own benefits, but they will not necessarily or directly lead to a deep sense of inner happiness and a strong foundation for a relationship.

By now, resolutions were enthusiastically set two weeks ago. This means that a significant period of time has passed since the initial motivations propelled many people towards improving their lives. It also means that this initial effort may be starting to waver and fizzle out beneath the force of old behaviour patterns. If we can maintain the energy to push through the challenges that come with change, then our love lives will benefit as a result.

Let’s face it, we do not need the celebration of a new year or any recognized holiday in order to start fresh and to grow. By relying on a single point in time to mark our obligation to growth, there is every danger in unconsciously placing expectations over what we ought to have achieved by now. It also becomes easy to take in a sense of fatigue for having been making the efforts “for so long already.” To renew your determination for embodying a better self, and as such to improve your communication and relationships with people through online dating, I suggest to adopt this simple and powerful phrase: Start now. Begin each day with renewed determination, renewed energy, and a renewed vision for the positive habits you seek to ingrain.

For example, one day you receive a message from someone asking you out for a date but you are not particularly interested. Instead of ignoring the message to avoid the awkwardness of rejection, you write back to acknowledge and thank the individual for reaching out, and gently explain that you do not feel compatible. This new action is more kind and honest than the original behaviour pattern.

Remember that every day – and really, every moment – is a new beginning. Keep putting your best self forward and you will find that your experience with online dating will become increasingly fruitful. Your transparency, kindness, and other qualities will make you more attractive to others who seek the same type of arrangement and growth. Maintain your determination! The high traffic of the peak season tied together with a societal movement towards self-growth at this time of year can only serve to benefit you.


About the Author:

Stephanie Arnold is a writer, visual artist and composer who seeks to unveil the working structures of the human psyche. She works to share valuable insights that stem from personal experience and assist in the development of deeper levels of self-awareness, especially in regards to a sincere and healthy relationship to love and loving. The core of her philosophy is that self-love is the root of loving outwardly, and is therefore necessary to develop if one wishes to create fruitful relationships with others. Her evolving portfolio may be found at