Dealing with harassment while online dating

Published on July 19, 2017

When I first read a profile that asked the guys to please talk to as if they were speaking with their Mom or sister, I thought it can’t be that bad. But then I kept coming across more and more profiles with the same statement along with statements like:

  • Please do not send me any inappropriate pics.
  • I’m not here for a one night stand
  • Please don’t ask me for sex.

At first, I thought this was just a few jaded women, but I kept coming across profiles with the same request.  It blows my mind that women have to actually state these things on their profile because of some guys out there are just being plain pigs. It’s a shame that a lot of bad guys are ruining it for the good guys.It’s hard enough to get a woman to respond, but if they are bombarded with crap from guys only looking for one thing. It makes it tough on the guy that is legitimately there for a date and to meet someone to start a relationship with.

Come on guy,s keep it classy. Women are absolutely right: if you wouldn’t say it to your Mom, Sister, or Aunt, Grandma, do not say it to them. They don’t deserve to be treated like a piece of meat. I mean for real think about your Mom or a family member how would you feel if someone just starts talking to them all crazy and saying nasty stuff to them? You would most likely want to punch them in the throat!

Ladies, I understand that you go through a ton of crap with online dating, but please be aware that some of the men on the sites are for real and want to start a healthy relationship. So please try not to get jaded from all the harassment you receive.

As of now, I have one date lined up, and I believe that it is in part because I was never rude to this woman and instead I was patient and kind. You get more bees with honey than vinegar.


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Author: mike

Mike is returning to online dating after being away from dating for many years. While not an "expert", Mike brings a real view of the challenges of online dating and his opinions in dealing with those challenges.

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