Dating Website Activity after a First Date

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What is the etiquette for logging into a dating site after a first date? Should I be upset if I see someone logging into a dating site after our date? Alternately, is it impolite for me to log into a dating site after a first date that I’ve gone on?

I see this question most often from the angle of: “We had a great first date but I saw that he/she was active on Match yesterday so I guess they aren’t interested”.

Sometimes I’m contacted after the person has exploded in an email or phone call to the person they met, normally something along the lines of letting the person know they won’t be “played”.

On the other hand, I’ve also talked to people coming from this angle:

Since Match displays how active a person has been over the last 24hrs, online now, etc., when is it appropriate to log on after you have been on a really good date? I don’t want to seem like I’m not satisfied with him but right now it was just one date. However, going online right after the date didn’t seem right to me. When is the “safe” time to continue looking?

So when is the right time to go back online? And how much should we read into someone we met going back online?

Note: if you are in a committed relationship but are still seeing online activity from the person you are dating, you would want to see this article instead.

Differences Between Traditional Dating and Online Dating

First, I think it’s important to point out a difference between traditional dating and online dating

With traditional dating, after a date it would generally be considered impolite to pursue other people to date immediately. If a man went on a date with one woman and then a day or two later went on a date with a second woman without contacting the first, some would consider him a “player”.

Many people feel that traditional dating should follow a pattern of meeting someone, giving them all your attention, then ending it or taking the relationship to more serious territory. Obviously not everyone feels this way, but many do. - View Photos of Singles Free

With online dating, there were times where I was talking with seven or eight women at a time all at different stages of the dating process. There were times where I might have two or three first dates in a single week. Many of the women I met, especially those with some experience dating online, were do the same thing. Was I a player? Absolutely not! However, the environment of online dating is different than traditional dating.

I think recognizing the above is very important to ensure you don’t accidentally sabotage a potentially great relationship. Also, if you decide you’re going to try to apply the traditional dating style to online dating, consider the following:

  • Many people won’t use the traditional dating approach and can’t be expected to
  • You may be hurting your chances on meeting that great person
  • Consider reading my arguments on why you should be dating multiple people

Okay, now with that out of the way, onto the actual questions of account activity after meeting someone.

How Concerned Should I be if They Logon After Our Date?

If you’ve gone on a date and you see the person you met back online, I’m not going to say you should never feel concern. It’s human nature to want to know where we stand and seeing someone online again, especially after a great first date, can be very unsettling.

However, if it was just one date, it’s important to treat it like just one date. If there was no verbal commitment made to be exclusive after the first date (and honestly there generally shouldn’t be!) then their being online isn’t breaking any rules.

So I’m not going to say you shouldn’t feel any concern because I’m not even sure that’s possible. But you should recognize that online dating is different than old school dating and what might have been rejection in traditional dating can be fine in online dating.

I’d recommend that you try to have patience early on if you see someone you met back online. This can be very difficult if you’re taking the old school dating approach of only talking to one person at a time. If this is you, I’d recommend reading my thoughts on dating multiple people at once. I’m hardly the first person to argue this, but if I can convince you to give it a try, I think you’ll see many of the concerns over things like last-login-date will fade away.

At any rate, the real trick here is to have patience and avoid the opposite: overreacting.

Avoiding Overreacting
I just talked about this topic in my article on overreacting killing relationships however I want to touch on it again here.

Imagine this situation:

A man and woman meet and the date goes great. He gets home and by the end of the night he’s second guessing how well the date went. He pops online to see if she’s already looking to date other men. He’s relieved when he sees that she has not been active and he logs out.

The next evening, the woman hasn’t heard from the man so she logs in and sees he’s already been active. She talks to her married friend about this and her friend suggests that she’s getting played by a guy dating many different women. The woman is hurt, so she emails the guy telling him how horrible he is and that things are over.

Later, she feels bad and starts to worry that she may have overreacted (side note: I get a lot of emails from women at this point). She tries to repair things with the guy but the damage is done: he thinks he’s dealing with a potential stalker/obsessive woman when in reality the biggest problem was that online dating was being treated like traditional dating.

This kind of thing happens way too often. We jump to conclusions. When he doesn’t call after two days, we leave a two minute voicemail telling him how he’s the spawn of Satan. She doesn’t reply quickly enough so we decided she’s not interested and never contact her again. Well-meaning friends apply traditional dating rules to online dating when they give us advice and that leads to people overreacting and killing potentially great relationships.

Assumptions are the root of overreactions!

If you’re going to assume something, give them the benefit of the doubt. Assume that they are busy with work, especially when they make it clear ahead of time that they are busy. I’ve actually seen situations where a man has expressed how busy he is in his profile, his email communication and on the first date. As I worked with the woman, it slowly became clear to her that he was being honest the whole time and she ended up overreacting and accidentally ending the relationship.

Don’t let this be you. If you can’t assume the best, then don’t do anything at all! Watch your emotions when you’re dealing with this situation. Any time you feel yourself filled with righteous anger, it’s time to put down the phone or walk away from the computer. Even if you were being played, you really don’t improve the situation by dropping verbal bombs on someone. Sure it might make you feel a bit better for a few minutes, but trust me, it’s not worth the risk.

If you can’t control yourself, instead of exploding just ask them where you stand. Better to explain your concerns than self-destruct.

How Should I Approach Logging On After a First Date?

I think it’s important to recognize that not everyone is using online dating the same. Because of this, I learned to go out of my way on first dates to let the woman know exactly how I was using online dating. I wanted to find a serious, long-term relationship but my approach to accomplishing that involved meeting a lot of women.

I learned that if I was honest up front, it helped. Now, I still had one woman overreact even after I had explained this but generally things went well from there. That being said, I generally didn’t log in immediately first date. It felt like it would be impolite or that it could be seen a bit too much like rejection. Recognizing that your actions send messages, even when you don’t intend them to, is important.

Again, to me, many of the problems with online activity come from applying traditional dating rules to online dating. I think we should recognize that the approaches will be different with online dating and avoid making assumptions that we know exactly what’s going on.

Finally, being honest, open and considerate can help other people avoid making relationship killing mistakes as well.



About the Author:

Brad initially struggled with online dating but over time became quite successful using it. He met his wife using online dating and has been giving advice and helping people improve their results since 2007. He has written a Free Online Dating Guide to help others find success with online dating. You can learn more about his personal experience using online dating and running this website here.


  1. Grace Pamer  May 24, 2012

    Luckily I’ve managed to avoid the world of online dating but I think the same rules should apply, namely, you can do what you want until things develop to more of a going out stage. I know that’s hard for some people but if someone is really committed to you then you’ll soon get to that stage. If you see they’re logging into their dating profile, etc, well let them be. It should only be when you get to the stage of ‘going steady’ or whatever you want to call it that people should be concerned if a partner is still using their profile.

    Well that is my opinion anyway. Live and let live.

    I’ll tweet this out as a good read read.


  2. Brad  May 25, 2012

    Thanks for sharing Grace, although I’d consider myself lucky for not avoiding the world of online dating!

  3. Georgia  August 8, 2012

    A few points on this:

    1. In my experience, a guy who logs on immediately after a good first date should be treated with great caution as the reality is that he’s probably sniffing around for more pussy.

    2. I find that guys start pushing for a woman to put out from the second date. If he’s getting physical with you, or trying to, then he absolutely shouldn’t be logging on.

    Most online dating guys I know rely on the fact that women will not demand exclusivity before sleeping with a guy, and will carry on multi dating while bedding her.

    Ladies! To avoid getting played and hurt, don’t be afraid to ask a guy who else he is dating and don’t be pressurised into sleeping with him until you’re sure of his game plan.

    Smoke them out early on!

  4. Sarah  April 9, 2013

    I think there does become a stage however when it becomes a concern if the person you are dating regularly logs in online. I was dating a guy for a month and we met up about 10 times, we hadn’t discussed exclusivity which also lead to me not feeling secure about things. I told him I was going away with work for the weekend and after feeling that he was being more cold than usual in txt messages I thought I would login to the dating site to see if he was still active. I noticed that 5 minutes after telling him I was going away for the weekend he logged in online. This did hurt me and after this I did tell him I had concerns about how serious he was about me, turns out I was right because he really wasn’t serious and told me had issues with being in a relationship.

  5. Vinto  October 11, 2015

    It’s really very simple. A person is free to date and sex with whoever they want as long as they are not boyfriend and girlfriend, fiance and fiancee, or married to each other. Unless there is a clear verbal agreement of being boyfriend and girlfriend, they are free to date or have sex with anyone they want.

  6. SDLady  January 3, 2017

    All you can control or worry about is you and your actions. Ladies, visualize locking your hearts up in the trunk before heading in to a date. Online dating is about vetting someone from what they put on a profile to see if you are compatible and have chemistry. DO NOT unlock your heart (or be intimate in any other ways) until you have properly checked all of your priority boxes. You are the prize and if they are worthy, they will work for it. And date others at the same time. Keep this line in the sand, then just have fun.

    I have made all the mistakes here, so I know from experience! And I just got home from a great second date to see my date had logged on a dating site :). But so did I! I had a great time, and if I never see him again that will be ok. If I have another great third date, that’s good too. BUT he’s not seeing my place or getting all the space in my head until I’m sure.

    Remember, giving a man sex is like giving someone $500. So way before the deed ask yourself “would I give this guy $500 and be ok possibly never seeing him again?” If no, don’t do it. Happy hunting and have fun!

    • Eve  October 6, 2017

      Wow, so true. Your post has been very helpful to read. Ive been dating this guys for about 3 weeks and seems amazing, he literally talks about everything and tells me about what he wants and doesn’t want. He’s told me that he sees me in his future and that he wants to know me more. He’s also said that he can tell I’m not the easy type or a woman that just wants to have fun but more of a woman that would commit and he likes that. He’s mentioned that he’s not seeing anyone else as we’ve gone out already 5 times, we have made out. But then I see him log in online!?! Obviously he’s lying I’m sure I guess online dating is not for me.