The View from the Other Side

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Near the end of my online dating, I discovered that sharing my dating experiences with my dates really opened the discussion up. Not only that, these candid conversations also opened my eyes to the absolute hassle women have to go through and gave me a glimpse of how they felt about online dating in general. Eventually, I found I was even enjoying dates where there was no “spark” because we became fast friends sharing our online dating experiences. Since my dating days are behind me, I don’t really hear many of these stories any more.

For that reason, I was really excited to stumble upon this blog. Not only is it a great look at online dating from the perspective of a woman, it’s also very funny.

For any guys reading, you might think to yourself, “Why do I care what a woman is going through?” Aside from the obvious avoiding-the-mistakes- of-those-who-came-before-you thing, there is a very important reason: she is revealing what your competition believes a reasonable attempt at online dating consists of! Sometimes this includes insanity like talking about the size of particular body parts or cheesy pick-up lines. If you find yourself wondering why women online are so slow to trust you or take you seriously, look at the environment the other men around you are creating. It’s not pretty.

I also liked her advice and found, from what I’ve seen so far, I agree with it. For example, I talked about writing a first email to someone and, while she clearly displays a stronger grasp of brevity in her article, I’ll think you’ll see we agree on the major points.

There is much to be learned from what the other side is going through. Besides, being aware of the differing challenges the other side sees can only improve you chances.



About the Author:

Brad initially struggled with online dating but over time became quite successful using it. He met his wife using online dating and has been giving advice and helping people improve their results since 2007. He has written a Free Online Dating Guide to help others find success with online dating. You can learn more about his personal experience using online dating and running this website here.